Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 03/25 at 05:10 AM


I wonder if you can do a skype session with Churchville Elementary because you visited us in February. That would be fun.
P.S Do you have any car books

Posted by Hunter  on  03/25  at  08:59 AM

Hi, Hunter. I am glad that you enjoyed my visit. However, Skype sessions must be requested by your teacher or librarian.

I do indeed have car books. One is called COOL CARS and the other is called SEYMOUR SIMON’s BOOK OF TRUCKS.

You can see what these look like on my website if you would like to look. Go to the search box at the top of the homepage and type in “cars” to find COOL CARS. For the BOOK OF TRUCKS, go to the search box and type in “trucks.”

Happy reading!

Posted by Seymour Simon  on  03/25  at  10:40 AM

Thank you very much for your awesome SKYPE session with our school.  We are really glad that you enjoyed it.  Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to visit with us. We learned a lot about you like how you loved space before any other topic, and how you took your own photographs.  It was interesting that you study such a wide variety of topics and that you wrote for a magazine as well as publishing books :D It was really cool that you wrote a children’s book called “Space Monsters” in second grade smile  You were really inspiring to all of the students and teachers as well :D

Signing off from our universe to yours!

Posted by Chamberlin Class 3 science  on  03/28  at  07:57 AM
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