Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 02/22 at 06:54 PM


Mr. Simon,
I’m so excited that your next book will be about butterflies.  I have been butterfly gardening for several years now, and it never ceases to amaze me to see a caterpillar turn into a chrysallis and then a butterfly to emerge from that chrysallis. 
I hope your book will have a small section dedicated to explaining butterfly gardening to kids so more of them will learn to do it.  (I know your manuscript is already finished, but I can hope that a butterfly gardening section was included!!).
Have a great day!
Alissa Gonzalez

Posted by Alissa  on  02/25  at  09:49 AM

Ms. Gonzalez -
Thanks so much for writing. I am planning to provide many additional resources for kids and families in conjunction with the release of my book BUTTERFLIES. I look forward to meeting you in Corpus Christi next week and would enjoy hearing your thoughts on this topic.
Seymour Simon

Posted by Seymour Simon  on  02/25  at  03:35 PM

Mr. Simon,
Ha—I’m impressed with how in tune you are with the clientele you will be speaking with in the near future!!  I’m looking forward to meeting you, also, and I’m hoping that you will enjoy your visit to our city.  Have you ever been here before?

As far as butterfly gardening, I think it is important to make it sound easy (which it is) and not too complicated (which it could be, if explained that way).  I would love to share my thoughts with you.

Again, looking forward to meeting you this week.
Alissa Gonzalez

Posted by Alissa Gonzalez  on  02/26  at  06:25 AM

In advance of my visit, I’d love you to get your kids involved with my website. If you look at the past three or four weeks of entries, you’ll see numerous blog comments, photos and other input from kids in the district I visited last week. Every child who writes gets a personal response, and when they comment on the blog, their writing is there for the world to see!

The more interaction in advance, the more they get out of the actual visit. Anything you can do, including encouraging your colleagues to get their kids involved with reading and writing on the blog would be most appreciated.

See you soon!
Seymour SImon

Posted by Seymour Simon  on  02/27  at  04:25 AM
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