Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 04/25 at 11:51 AM


I am playing outside and turning of the electrity to save energy. :  snake

Posted by frankie  on  04/26  at  05:03 AM

I am a 4th grader at Churchville and our school is having a seedling sale and all the money is going to save the earth wink

Posted by Lizzie  on  04/26  at  05:05 AM

What my classmates and I do to help the environment is, when we are done with a math packet, instead of putting it in the trash, we put it in the recycling bin.  wink

Posted by Giana  on  04/26  at  05:07 AM

One day last year my sister and I went to a hill near our house and saw graffiti on an old outdoor fireplace with empty cans and snacks etc. So we went back home, got some bags and picked up all the trash around the fireplace. Plus my family is so green we have curtins made out of old coffee bean bags. So Cool! Also my friend Lizzie and I have japanese erasers that are also eco-friendly. Back to my family we also use green toliet paper and save so many trees using it. Plus have you heard about Its the same as but it saves electricty. Plus everytime I or anyone in my family leave a room we turn off our lights. Thanks Mr. Simon and GO GREEN!  LOL

Posted by Olivia  on  04/26  at  05:07 AM

For earth day, I went around my neighborhood and picked up trash.  We also picked up trash on the highway near my home.  I think earth day is great.  I think we should have it every day. cool hmm

Posted by mike  on  04/26  at  05:10 AM

On Earth Day I recycle Plastic bottles and glass bottles, I also do this year round.

Posted by Noah  on  04/26  at  05:10 AM

On Earth Day, Mrs. Edward always sells seedlings for a month. The money goes to saving the Earth. I was in her class last year, I miss her so much. She inspired me. red face

Posted by Celina  on  04/26  at  05:11 AM

At my house my family and I always pick up trash out side on the ground and we recycle. I love your blogs Seymour there awsome

Posted by Rafeef  on  04/26  at  05:12 AM

My family and I always go to the park and pick up the trash wink

Posted by Nick  on  04/26  at  05:12 AM

cheese A week ago I got a compost bin, and I use it all the time! Also, I recycle paper, plastic and soda cans!! I love Earth Day! cheese

Posted by Carly  on  04/26  at  05:13 AM

I love recycling and when people throw trash on the ground I pick it up.  I hate it when people don’t recycle. I know this is weird but at school I usually pick up scrap paper that people put in our trash can and put it in the recycling can.  Don’t worry I wash my hands after. big surprise

Posted by Olivia  on  04/26  at  05:13 AM

I recycle plastic bottles when I find them. sick

Posted by Joey  on  04/26  at  05:13 AM

At my house I clean up my neighborhood. I also recycle our paper bags and plastic bottles.

Posted by Lauren  on  04/26  at  05:15 AM

My family and I recycle plastic Bottles and turn off lights when I leave a room.

Posted by Maddie  on  04/26  at  05:16 AM

When my family is done with our plastic water bottles we refill them with more water or other drink and keep refilling after we’re done wink

Posted by Elizabeth  on  04/26  at  05:16 AM

When I take a walk I pick up trash on the street

Posted by Keegan  on  04/26  at  05:16 AM

I usually help my dad recycle all our plastic soda cans that we use. grin

Posted by David  on  04/26  at  05:18 AM

Heres my idea to help save planet Earth:  If any light is on in your house turn it off and don’t turn on lights if its sunny outside. You could just use sun light. Or if anything is plugged in the wall; unplug it so you won’t be using electricity.  smile

Posted by Victoria  on  04/26  at  05:20 AM

What I do for Earth Day or every day actually is I turn off all of the lights and electronics when I am done using them. An example of that would be yesterday when I turned on my radio. When I was done listening to it I turned it off.  LOL  cheese

Posted by Max  on  04/26  at  05:21 AM

I am SO happy about all your comments on what you and your family are doing for Earth Day! Let’s all keep it up. Congratulations all you people!

Happy Earth!


Posted by Seymour Simon  on  04/26  at  05:46 AM

grin I can walk or ride my bike to school or to the park. This can cut down fuel pollution. grin

Posted by Kiera B.  on  04/26  at  05:52 AM

I can install CFL bulbs in all my lights. I can also turn lights off when I’m not usng them. cheese  excaim vampire

Posted by Nicholle  on  04/26  at  05:53 AM

My family and I always try to be “greener” This year we started to recycle! We recycle water bottles. My family and I also save plastic bags and keep on reusing them. We use less electricity and pick up litter in our neighborhood. I love helping to keep the earth clean!

Posted by Jennifer P.  on  04/26  at  05:57 AM

When I go food shopping with my mom we use reusable bags!  smile

Posted by Olivia  on  04/26  at  06:01 AM

I tore up a white-board to recycle the cardboard inside of it. I recycle water bottles, soda bottles and glass so our enviorment will not be a landfill. I will try to use and reserve energy. I am also getting fluorescent light bulbs:)

Posted by Connor .M  on  04/26  at  06:05 AM
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