Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 04/25 at 11:51 AM


Here are some things that I will do to help the Earth:
1. I will pick up trash around my neighborhood.
2. I will reduce, reuse, and recycle everything that I use.
3. I will walk or ride a bike to school instead of taking a car or the bus.
4. I will carpool with friends and use less fuel.
5. Instead of using paper bags for lunch and plastic water bottles, I will use reuseable water bottles and lunch bags.
6. I will use less electricity and turn off electrical appliances when no one is using them.
    These are some things that I will do to help make the world a better place!
                            - Jillian

Posted by Jillian  on  04/26  at  06:06 AM

I fall like all the time. I literally trip on nothing. As a matter of of fact, I made a song called “I Tripped On Nuttin’” Me and my friends made a group and that’s one of our songs. I will try not to fall on the plants and kill them (I do it all the time, sadly).  shock  tongue wink

Posted by Jacob  on  04/26  at  06:07 AM

I’m also trying to be awake in the morning when I brush my teeth! I have to remember to close the water tap while I’m brushing and that’s only easy to do when I’m wide awake!

So WAKE UP SEYMOUR! (at least, in the morning)

Seymour cool grin

Posted by Seymour Simon  on  04/26  at  06:08 AM

I recycle soda cans and bottles.and clean my yard! tongue laugh snake

Posted by Sonny  on  04/26  at  06:08 AM

Some of the ways that I will help clean up our Earth and make it a better place is that whenever I leave a room I will turn all the electric off so that we wouldn’t waste the energy. I also would pick up trash while going for a walk so that our earth would be a better place to look at and a better place to be. I will also try not to use gas because I know that the world has basically a cover around it that traps the gases and toxins right here on earth for us to breathe. That is basically all that I will do for earth month this year and will try to do for the rest of my life grin

Posted by Maddy  on  04/26  at  06:08 AM

My family and I already do a lot of things to keep the world clean, but here are some other things we could all try to do. I will pick up trash when i’m outside with my dog, and ask my parents to do so also. Something else I will do is use reusable waterbottles instead of plastic ones. Another thing I will do is walk to places that don’t need to be driven to, and if it’s too long of a walk I will try to ride my bike or scooter there. The final thing I will do is use energy efficient lightbulbs.
  These are all the things I will do to keep the world clean! cool smile

Posted by Tusia  on  04/26  at  06:09 AM

every earth day I pick up trash in my neighborhood cool hmm  tongue wink

Posted by Ty  on  04/26  at  06:09 AM

I think it was a great idea of doing this.  Not many people really appreciate Earth Day and why we have it. Anyway, the way I’m helping to save the planet is by turning off lights when I don’t need them.  When it’s raining outside and theirs nothing to do, I run around in my basement.  When I’m done, I turn off the lights and watch tv to relax my body. When I’m all relaxed and I want to run around again, I turn off the television and lights and run around. It’s just a constant good cycle instead of letting the lights run out.  Of course when it’s sunny I like to run around in my backyard.  Another way is to use reusable water bottles.  Like I said, I run around so I need water. Since I’m using alot of water, it’s good to reuse bottles and not waste plastic.

Posted by Conor  on  04/26  at  06:11 AM

I always have fruit peels and other things that I don’t eat that can decompose so I want to ask my parents if we can buy a composting box. A composting box would be perfect for my family because of all the food that could be composted and made into rich soil. The soil is great for planting flowers it can also encourage me to plant more plants with homemade soil. It also can save money because there could be no more trips to buy soil.

I also would like to save energy by turning of lights any time I am not in a room. Playing outside can also save energy and not watching T.V or playing on the computers.
I love the blog question and I’m going to use some of the other kids idea’s to help the Earth. Earth day is a great day and I love to help the Earth.

Posted by Layton  on  04/26  at  06:11 AM

Do you ever feel suspicious, like our earth is falling apart, and we, need to help, because we need to recycle and reuse, just like Blue’s Clues. Maybe the reason why, we have global warming, is because we are using too many cars, because baby you need to recycle, think about using a bicycle, make them go la, la, la, you’re going to leave them La! YAY!

Posted by Danny  on  04/26  at  06:12 AM

I use the swirly light bulbs to save energy and ride my bike to the park   LOL I made a song about it and it goes like this. I planted PLANTS yes I did I RECYCLED didn’t kick the plants in my garden

Posted by Christian  on  04/26  at  06:14 AM

I will try to get the whole family outside and playing instead of wasting energy inside. I think this will help because my brother plays a lot of games on the computer and on his Xbox and hardly any time outside. Now I’m not just blaming it on my brother. I too stay inside some times and play Wii when it’s nice outside. Not only that but I can turn off all the lights when it is still bright outside and when we don’t need them.

Posted by Emma  on  04/26  at  06:15 AM

i can turn off the sink while im brushing my teeth

Posted by Reza  on  04/26  at  01:44 PM

I will turn the lights off when i’m not using them.


Posted by Rye-Guy  on  05/03  at  05:37 AM
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