Posted by Alana G on 08/15 at 03:57 PM


Wow!! I love your blog. You are such an inspiration to all the young kids in this world. Thank you for letting me be a part of this AWESOME organization.

Posted by candce  on  08/18  at  09:38 AM

It really was a beautiful day. We all had a magnificent time. smile The memories will last forever.


Posted by Rhea  on  08/18  at  08:37 PM

Wow…that was really good. I was lucky to get to go. The trash stank(woo eee), I felt like a homeless person, but then I felt like a superstar after we were done cleaning it up. smile It was so fun to get in the cold water. I had so much fun. Thank you. I love being a KTFBT member. It is really cool helping the environment, I didn’t know how easy it could be to help and make a change for the planet.It is super cool. Go GREEN..Fight back against the litter bugs.

Mikayla C. : )
8 years old

Posted by Mikayla C.  on  08/29  at  01:24 PM
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