Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 03/16 at 04:49 AM


Dear Mr. Simon,
  Thank you for putting our book on your website.  Joe is really happy that you put his picture up with your post.  We had a great assembly.  Thanks for good joke about the dinosaur.  We are going to get your joke book in our school library.  Thanks for coming to Sandburg.  grin

Your friend,


Posted by Grace  on  03/16  at  06:58 AM

Dear Mr. Simon,
    I wrote a book about space, just like you.  It tells about how you can find out what the planets are like.  Like Mars - there is no sign of life on it and it is all red and dusty.  And with my book, I made a picture of all the planets.  The first planet is Mercury.  The second one is Venus.  The third one is our planet, Earth.  The fourth one is Mars.  The fifth one is Jupiter.  The sixth one is Saturn.  The seventh one is Uranus.  The eighth one is Neptune.  Why isn’t a Pluto a planet anymore?  I was surprised that you came to our school.  I felt very happy for you and your books.

Your friend,


Posted by Jaqurreon  on  03/16  at  07:10 AM

Hi Mr. Simon! Thank you so much for coming to our school. It was so great meeting you. You are the first author I ever met and you are the best. You are friendly.c grin  cool smile I like your gentle voice. Thank you.

From Kenneth

Posted by Kenneth  on  03/16  at  07:30 AM

Dear Mr.Simon,thank you for putting our books on your website.I really enjoyed meeting you hearing you talk,and interviewing you! I looked at the sky and saw those two planets,it was really awesome!!!! Thank you again.
Sincerely,Jamariah grin

Posted by Jamariah  on  03/17  at  02:13 PM
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