Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 06/08 at 05:32 AM


that’s so cool..I really like turtles.

Posted by Maansi  on  06/08  at  07:47 PM

Are turtles bigger or tortoises?

Posted by  on  06/08  at  08:00 PM

I have heard that turtles can live a really long life, is that true of the snapping turtle?

Posted by archie  on  06/08  at  08:05 PM

Turtles are great.

Posted by Chris  on  06/09  at  07:14 AM

Tortoises live on land only while turtle can live on land or in water. Their size depends upon their species and their age, so either can be very large. They can live a very long life, no one knows exactly how long though.

Posted by Seymour Simon  on  06/12  at  04:05 AM
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