Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 04/19 at 04:18 AM


That’s cool having a butterfly garden! smile I’m planting a fruit tree in my backyard because every time I go to a grocery store, I want blueberries.

Posted by Hera  on  04/19  at  05:26 AM

Hey Seymour Simon!  Our class is recycling all of our paper to help the environment!!!!!!!! our class is going green!!!!! smile

Posted by Alyssa  on  04/19  at  05:27 AM

Hey Seymour Simon! Our class (Ms.Wolf’s class.) is going green! We are recycling all of our old papers! Your butterfly garden is really cool! (:

Posted by amelia p.  on  04/19  at  05:44 AM

Do you have any kids and do they recycle?
What kind of trees are you going to plant?

Posted by Jarrett  on  04/19  at  05:46 AM

Hello. I just wanted to know if you ever recycle every day instead of only on Earth day? Ms.Wolf’s class always recycles when we do our work.

Posted by Bryanna T.  on  04/19  at  05:47 AM

Hi, I just wanted to ask you if you have ever wanted to or have you ever have written a book on trees or recycling? I think that your books are truly great and so do all of my friends.Our class has a little recycling box and whenever we cut out paper everybody puts it in there and our trashcan has almost nothing!! smile

Posted by Carly  on  04/19  at  05:49 AM

Hi Seymour,

Many of the third graders in the library just posted comments to your blog.  They really enjoyed reading your blog site.
I particularly liked your comment about how much carbon dioxide a tree absorbs in its lifetime.  Verrry interesting!

Mrs. Smalley, Librarian cool smile

Posted by Donna Smalley  on  04/19  at  05:59 AM

Dear Seymour Simon ,
For Earth Day I am going to try to use the least amount of electricity. I am also going to try to plant some plants like flowers or trees.
from Hailey

Posted by Hailey  on  04/19  at  06:30 AM

I’m sitting here reading what you all have written and I’m so proud of what you are doing! Great job with all the recycling in school.

Yes, I do have kids and they are all big recyclers. I guess it runs in the family!

We have not decided what kind of tree to plant yet, but I would like something that flowers in the spring. Don’t you think that would be nice?

We will keep posting pictures on the Seymour Science blog as we work on the butterfly garden so that you can all see how it comes out, so keep coming back! We are always glad to hear from you.

Posted by Seymour Simon  on  04/21  at  05:08 AM

To help our planet I am going to reduce, reuse, and recycle. I am going to recycle any plastic bottles or glass bottles that are used in my house. Also I am going to try to clean up my neighborhood the trash on my lawn or on my neighbors. That is my Earth Day Pledge!  smile

Posted by Mady  on  04/25  at  06:09 AM

Some of things we could do to help our planet are very simple. We could recycle, shut off the lights when we are not in a room, or shut off the water when we are not using it. Some of the things I do personally is, I have a carpool to soccer practice. This helps the planet because there is not as much gas being used, which will lead to there not being any pollution! These are just some of the many ways we can help OUR planet

Posted by Kevin S.  on  04/26  at  04:06 AM

My mom and I were planning on planting flowers this spring and continuing to recycle cans, cartons,and water bottles daily.I hope it makes a difference. I learned that it takes one step at a time and if we start now the earth will get better sooner, if we don’t start…. who will?

Posted by Jackie  on  04/26  at  04:06 AM

My Earth Day Pledge is that I will never ever litter and not use too much electricity. rolleyes  cool smirk

Posted by Andy  on  04/26  at  05:15 AM

The way I celebrate Earth day with my family is pick up trash whenever we see it. Use electric stuff less and reuse plastic bags.  grin

Posted by Steven.P  on  04/26  at  06:07 AM

I like to recycle and here’s a song.
Give your favorite tree a hug. Don’t be a litterbug. If it’s not recyclable it’s not even likeable. Hear us plead and hear us shout. Survival is what it’s all about. Make a resolution help stop pollution. Love your Mother Earth. (:D

Posted by Mark  on  04/26  at  06:09 AM

Some ways my family celebrates Earth day is picking up litter when we see it. We could use less electricity.

Posted by Steven.P  on  04/26  at  06:11 AM
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