Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 12/20 at 01:50 AM


I think the conversation is about,the deer asking the cat if it can come in. So the deer can get some food instead of the food that he normaly eats wink. Have you guys ever saw a deer at the front of ur sliding glass door?

Posted by Cassidy  on  01/02  at  07:15 AM

I think this weas soo cute. Just the pic.  Lol

Posted by Claudia  on  01/03  at  07:57 AM

Let me in!!!!!!!!!

Posted by Bailey  on  01/03  at  07:59 AM

The deer are looking like they want in, but the cat is looking at them like “who are you?” lol

Posted by Nathan  on  01/03  at  12:19 PM

Dear Mr. Simon,
Did you take the photo? Why do you think the deer was there? What was you’re reaction?
big surprise  gulp

Posted by Andy  on  01/04  at  06:53 AM

????????? I know what the cat said, “Meow!!!!!!!!!” And the dear said,” LOL”. cool smile

Posted by Andy  on  01/04  at  06:55 AM

It s a deer let it in. Lol if I was that deer I would be cold let me in

Posted by Claudia  on  01/06  at  08:24 AM
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