Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 04/13 at 12:02 AM


Wow!  Thank you !!!!!!  This made my day! 

Will B.

Posted by Will B.  on  04/13  at  04:59 AM

Ms. Ko’s First Grade Class promises to:
1.  not waste paper
2.  reuse containers
3.  turn off lights when we don’t need them
4.  recycle paper and plastic bottles
5.  not pollute
6.  take the bus whenever possible
7.  plant new trees and plants

Montclair, New Jersey

Posted by Ms. Ko's First Grade Class  on  04/13  at  05:15 AM

i promise to try and turn the water off when im brushing my teeth!
kate h

Posted by kate h  on  04/16  at  03:58 AM

Thank u liked the painting treey

Alyssa and Sofia

Posted by Alyssa and sofia  on  04/16  at  08:11 AM

Thank you so much for helping recycle and making the world a better place.

Miguel and melissa

Posted by Miguel and melissa  on  04/17  at  09:34 AM
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