Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 09/09 at 11:53 PM


I think it s cool to know what at brain freeze is .


Posted by Britney  on  09/10  at  06:44 AM

This was a very cool article


Posted by Jessica  on  09/10  at  09:08 AM

This was a very, VERY informing and a wonderful article. It informed me on how the brain works and what happens when I get a brain freeze.


Posted by TDAWG  on  09/10  at  09:17 AM

I think this is a great article.  it s cool that I now know how a brain freeze occurs. I hate brain freezes, but now I know that my brain is taking care of its self.  I never knew that the temperature in your brain can go up and down that is so cool!

Posted by  on  09/14  at  05:57 AM

So good to know it will always go away!


Posted by Dyllion  on  09/23  at  11:03 AM
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