Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 05/04 at 03:46 AM


Our class thinks it should be a scary-saurus!


Posted by Ms. O'Donovan's class  on  05/04  at  06:34 AM

Do you have any other features on this app?

Posted by Hunter  on  05/05  at  06:09 AM

I would call a scared tyrannosaurus a scared-osaurus rex.  Bryce (6)

Posted by Bryce  on  05/07  at  02:41 AM

Good guesses!  grin

Posted by Seymour Simon  on  05/12  at  01:25 AM

@Hunter: There are no other features on this app - it is simply the book, SILLY DINOSAUR RIDDLES, and it includes the “Read to Me” option.

As you know, Seymour’s other app, SCIENCE FUN TO GO, has a lot of different content, like the Seymour Science blog, Jokes/Riddles, videos, etc.

If you decide to try the SILLY DINOS, please let us know what you think! Feedback from you guys helps us to keep getting better.

Posted by Liz Nealon  on  05/12  at  02:31 AM
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