thank you for have you for my frist vurtal arthur
Posted by alessandro on 01/31 at 10:10 AM
Hi thank you very much for having a virtual visit i loved it again thank you.
Posted by liz on 01/31 at 10:13 AM
Thank you for your awsome visit to James fallon scool it was so much fun to talk with you and you are a really nice person. I wish I could met you in person but the virtual visit was fun too. The pitures you showed us I was crackin my head off. You are very nice your.
firend daniel
p. s you rock
Posted by Daniel on 01/31 at 10:14 AM
Hi Mr. Seymour Simon!:) I am a big fan of you and all of your books. You inspire me to be an author one day. I hope i can be a great author like you. The only thing is i dont like science, but i can always write about another subject such as; social studies or math books. yes that is what i just might do actually i know that is what i’ll do.I can even right about riddles or myths just like you!!! I like how you take your fascanating photos. I hpoe i am like you one day! I hope i am like you one day!
Posted by Haley on 01/31 at 10:14 AM
Thanx 4 the web visit! It was outstanding like your book Strange Mysteries. Your the boom:):):):):):):):)
Posted by Linz on 01/31 at 10:14 AM
I loved it so much he was a lot of fun it would be great other schools to do it to I personally loved it I learned a lot I would let him come back 100 more times I would spend all my mony on thats how much I loved him I really really liked it
from jake
Posted by Jake on 01/31 at 10:16 AM
I saw you at my school yesterday. But I didn’t get to ask my question it is : Where do you get your information? I love all your books.
Posted by Felicia on 01/31 at 01:08 PM
dear seymour simon,
do you remember me im from james fallon i asked you this question. do you travel the whole world to find your photographs? Now do you rember me? I was the one with the brown hair in a bun with hoop earings. you are the best auther i ever met!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love you your so cooooooooooooolllllllllllllll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by LIVIA on 01/31 at 02:18 PM
I had a great Skype visit with the students from James Fallon. What fun! I hope that many of you stay connected on my website and blog. Try your own writing on Writing Wednesdays and maybe join the Paper Airplane Club on my site?
Posted by Seymour Simon on 02/01 at 04:41 AM
Thx you so much for coming and visiting my 5th grade class. I really enjoyed it. Your a great author.
Your Friend Claudia
Posted by Claudia on 02/01 at 09:21 AM
seeing seymour on scipe was awesome. I just got one of his books wolves. I cant wait to read it
Posted by theguywhocanfly on 02/01 at 09:22 AM
I really liked seeing seymour simon talk to us and show us the paper airplane flying from the tower
Posted by harry on 02/01 at 09:26 AM
Heyy It was so nice to meet. my favorite part was when you showed us the video of the paper airplane
Posted by nickademas on 02/01 at 09:27 AM
Hey it was so cool to meet you. My favorite part was when you showed us the video with the paper airplane.
Posted by Joulio on 02/01 at 09:30 AM
I love your books.
They are so fun to read!!!:)
Posted by Jessica on 02/01 at 09:31 AM
I liked our virtural visit. I enjoyed ur answers.i loved ur visit . thank you a again see ya later.
Posted by Alexis on 02/01 at 09:31 AM
Posted by bob on 02/01 at 09:32 AM
Dear Mr. Simon,
Thank you so much for virtually visiting our school. I didn’t know much about you at first, but now I am going crazy about your books! My favorite book that you wrote is Strange Mysteries.
Thanks again,
Posted by Christina on 02/01 at 09:34 AM
Deatr, Mr. Seymour Simon
Thank you so much for coming to James Fallon school! You were my favriote author, and you were the first author ever that we had a virtual visit with! My favriote part was when you showed us the paper air plane video! I was laughing so hard! You were awesome! I loved your visit
From, Jade
Posted by Jade on 02/01 at 09:36 AM
I love your books there the best. Don’t tell any other authers!
Posted by Vinny on 02/01 at 10:02 AM
hello mr. simon
thank you for your awesome experance of comin. You are my favorite author.
Posted by Ava on 02/01 at 10:08 AM
Dear Seymour Simon,
Thank you so much for visting James Fallon. I had alot of fun listening about stuff you and your books!! I hope you come again some time!!
Posted by Emily on 02/01 at 10:58 AM
Thank you for meeting my school. We had a great time
I would like to know who inspired you to write children’s books?
Posted by SAMI on 02/02 at 02:49 PM
Thanks for coming to our school. I am new at this school and this is my first author vist. I am so exited to finally see you.
Posted by Judy on 02/03 at 06:25 AM
Thank you. I think that you are a very good author. I love to read any book that you wrote.
Posted by Julia on 02/03 at 06:26 AM
thank you for have you for my frist vurtal arthur
Hi thank you very much for having a virtual visit i loved it again thank you.
Thank you for your awsome visit to James fallon scool it was so much fun to talk with you and you are a really nice person. I wish I could met you in person but the virtual visit was fun too. The pitures you showed us I was crackin my head off. You are very nice your.
firend daniel
p. s you rock
Hi Mr. Seymour Simon!:) I am a big fan of you and all of your books. You inspire me to be an author one day. I hope i can be a great author like you. The only thing is i dont like science, but i can always write about another subject such as; social studies or math books. yes that is what i just might do actually i know that is what i’ll do.I can even right about riddles or myths just like you!!! I like how you take your fascanating photos. I hpoe i am like you one day! I hope i am like you one day!
Thanx 4 the web visit! It was outstanding like your book Strange Mysteries. Your the boom:):):):):):):):)
I loved it so much he was a lot of fun it would be great other schools to do it to I personally loved it I learned a lot I would let him come back 100 more times I would spend all my mony on thats how much I loved him I really really liked it
from jake
I saw you at my school yesterday. But I didn’t get to ask my question it is : Where do you get your information? I love all your books.
dear seymour simon,
do you remember me im from james fallon i asked you this question. do you travel the whole world to find your photographs? Now do you rember me? I was the one with the brown hair in a bun with hoop earings. you are the best auther i ever met!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love you your so cooooooooooooolllllllllllllll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I had a great Skype visit with the students from James Fallon. What fun! I hope that many of you stay connected on my website and blog. Try your own writing on Writing Wednesdays and maybe join the Paper Airplane Club on my site?
Thx you so much for coming and visiting my 5th grade class. I really enjoyed it. Your a great author.
Your Friend Claudia
seeing seymour on scipe was awesome. I just got one of his books wolves. I cant wait to read it
I really liked seeing seymour simon talk to us and show us the paper airplane flying from the tower
Heyy It was so nice to meet. my favorite part was when you showed us the video of the paper airplane
Hey it was so cool to meet you. My favorite part was when you showed us the video with the paper airplane.
I love your books.
They are so fun to read!!!:)
I liked our virtural visit. I enjoyed ur answers.i loved ur visit . thank you a again see ya later.
thank you for comming.
Dear Mr. Simon,
Thank you so much for virtually visiting our school. I didn’t know much about you at first, but now I am going crazy about your books! My favorite book that you wrote is Strange Mysteries.
Thanks again,
Deatr, Mr. Seymour Simon
Thank you so much for coming to James Fallon school! You were my favriote author, and you were the first author ever that we had a virtual visit with! My favriote part was when you showed us the paper air plane video! I was laughing so hard! You were awesome! I loved your visit
From, Jade
I love your books there the best. Don’t tell any other authers!
hello mr. simon
thank you for your awesome experance of comin. You are my favorite author.
Dear Seymour Simon,
Thank you so much for visting James Fallon. I had alot of fun listening about stuff you and your books!! I hope you come again some time!!
Thank you for meeting my school. We had a great time
I would like to know who inspired you to write children’s books?
Thanks for coming to our school. I am new at this school and this is my first author vist. I am so exited to finally see you.
Thank you. I think that you are a very good author. I love to read any book that you wrote.