Posted by Seymour Simon on 02/06 at 05:32 AM


Pluto is the smallest planet and is now considered a dwarf planet

Pluto was discovered by accident in 1930

Pluto orbits outside of where neptune orbits

smile smilesmile smile smilesmile:):):):):):):)

Posted by Kate  on  02/07  at  06:25 AM

Pluto is faroff icy body in our
Pluto is about 39 times as far from the sun as the Earth
It takes about 248 years for Pluto to orbit the sun.smilee

Posted by Luke  on  02/07  at  07:54 AM

1. The Hubble Space Telescope took the first
  good pictures of Pluto in 1996.

2.Pluto was first discovered in 1930.

3.Pluto has large, bright areas that are probably
  frozen gases.

Posted by Jenna  on  02/07  at  07:54 AM

Save the Moose!

The moose’s in Alaska are almost going to be instinct, because of the great amount of snow in Alaska.

The population of moose is very low and it has dropped very quickly during the time it has snow.

The number of moose’s left in Alaska is very low.


Posted by Gabby  on  02/08  at  09:20 AM

•Don’t hurt the Moose

•Don’t shoot the Moose

•Save the Moose

•Don’t kill their food

•Help the Moose

Posted by Jessica  on  02/08  at  09:22 AM

The Moose Are In Danger!
Since the snow is so high the moose are dying.
They are also getting hit by cars when they cross the street.
The moose is decreasing because of the hunting and other human activities
They walk on roads and train tracks.
Help the moose I wanna fix it.

Posted by Becky  on  02/08  at  10:10 AM
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