Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 04/15 at 07:49 AM


Hello Mr. Simon, we are from one of the schools you skyped with this morning, but our class couldn’t be there.  We wondered if you could answer another question (or 2) for us?

For the picture of the snake above, what is the eyeball looking thing on his tongue (in his mouth)?

How many books have you written?

How long have you been writing books?

Thank you so much!  : )
Mrs. Lussier and students from Korn School

Posted by Mrs. Lussier  on  04/15  at  08:15 AM

Hello, Mrs. Lussier’s class.
I have written more than 250 books, and I started writing when I was your age. In fact, as I told your friends this morning, I wrote my first book, SPACE MONSTERS, when I was in the second grade. I start publishing books years ago, when I was still a teacher (head of the Science Department in a large New York City middle school).

Your question about what we are seeing inside the rattlesnake’s mouth is a good question, and I bet lots of readers will wonder the same thing. I am going to expand this blog post to answer your question. So, check back later and you’ll find your answer in the original story.

Thanks for writing, and happy reading!
Seymour Simon

Posted by Seymour Simon  on  04/15  at  08:39 AM

I really liked the blog about the snake and the picture of the snakes mouth and its fangs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cheese  big surprise

Posted by Keegan  on  04/26  at  05:03 AM

I was reading the ” Guys Write For Guys Read ” and I saw that you were in it! That was so cool!! Also, awesome picture of the snake

Posted by Olivia  on  05/13  at  02:13 AM
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