Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 01/21 at 03:33 PM


Wow, that is amazing.  I guess I have never really thought about where their eyes are or how they can see.  But now that I have, it’s crazy that they can use their nose to make up for the blind spot of seeing in front of them.  I’m a little confused as to how their eyes are binocular if they are both on different sides?  It must help to see one side and be able to catch it with the other eye if it swims over.  Pretty awesome shark, but still pretty scary! smile

Posted by Psychiatrist  on  01/27  at  07:14 PM

Did you know that the hammerhead shark swings it’s head back and forth? That’s why they are called a hammerhead shark and because it’s head is shaped like a hammer!!!! LOL

Posted by Olivia  on  02/09  at  06:13 AM

excaimWoW excaim

Posted by Jason  on  02/09  at  06:14 AM

This blog is very interesting!! The pictures on here are so real looking (I know they are). I wouldn`t want to run into that shark someday in the ocean!!!  shock

Posted by paige  on  02/15  at  05:51 AM

Mr. Simon my class [Mrs. Schleyer’s 4th grade class] is doing a project in Library about your book ” Animals Nobody Loves ” I came up with everyone getting a partner and researching about one of the animals nobody loves.  So I wrote down all the animals nobody loves and everyone is researching them.  My best friend and I got the Gila Monster and we found tons of cool facts about them.  We actually really think the Gila Monster is really cool! We love your book and hope to see you when you visit!!! :]

Posted by Olivia  on  02/19  at  05:00 AM

do u know that a shark has no bones!! : )

Posted by Nikki  on  02/28  at  01:09 PM
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