Posted by Seymour Simon on 12/29 at 12:32 AM


This picture of this newly found planet in our planet makes me think so I have developed some questions.  For example, where exactly was this planet located in our solar system? Or how big is this planet if it is 6 times bigger than Jupiter? To me this planet is a beautiful sight but since this planet has no sun you would freeze to death.  Also, you would starve because so far there is no life on this planet. Though this planet may be a wonderful sight it is dangerous due to the fact that there is also no oxygen.  Until scientists can figure out a way to get life on this planet like Mars, we won’t be going there any time soon!

Rachel P.

Posted by Warriorcat  on  01/08  at  04:50 AM

You are probably wondering why there is a planet almost nobody knows about, above this writing. Don’t worry, I would too. What you are looking at is a “lonely planet” scientists have recently found, floating around the universe without a sun.  This planet is eighty light years (Woah!) away from Earth, and is about three times the size of Jupiter!
    From the article Lonely Planet, I have learned to always go searching for more, -even when you think there is nothing- because there will always be something!  ☺

Posted by rebeccarose3219  on  01/08  at  04:56 AM

my word is juvenile hormone
it is chemical substance found in some insects it c
controls the change from caterpillar to adult
a butterfly will remain a caterpillar for the rest of its life unless the juvenile hormone stops.

Shannon, Mrs. Estrada’s 4th grade

Posted by shannon s  on  01/15  at  05:58 AM
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