Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 12/24 at 12:13 AM


In the article Baby Moose Rescue by Seymour Simon, I have realized the true meaning to the phrase “lend a helping hand.” It doesn’t mean to help somebody/thing only when there is a reward for you. It means to help someone when they need it. The few people showed true leadership and consideration by helping this 25 –pound baby moose (calf). It would take a lot of heart and bravery to put yourself in a dangerous situation, to save an animal.
      A question I have about this article, is what happened to the calf and it’s mother after they were saved? Did they return to the wild? Were they taken to a rehabilitation to have extra care? Also, were there ordinary people saving the moose?
      I hope people are inspired by this article, and learn to help people/animals, even when there is nothing in it for you. smile

Posted by rebeccarose3219  on  01/08  at  04:52 AM
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