Posted by Seymour Simon on 11/30 at 05:02 AM


We didn’t know that a mouse could shake 27 times per second and that a bear could only shake 4 times per second.  We didn’t know that our dogs could die if they didn’t shake when wet.  Do cats shake too? big surprise

Posted by Mrs. Schleyer's 4th grade class  on  02/01  at  05:54 AM

Good question from Mrs. Schleyer’s class - I had to do some homework of my own in order to answer your question! I used to occasionally wash my cat, Mittens, although he really did not like it. I don’t remember Mittens shaking the water off, but then again, I usually had him wrapped in a big towel, both to dry him off and to keep him from clawing my arms!

So, I asked Dr. Keating from Trinity Pet Hospital in Carrollton, TX, and here is what he said:  “Yes, cats do shake when they get wet but they shake faster so it may not be as obvious as a dog!”

Posted by Seymour Simon  on  02/03  at  11:32 AM
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