Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 03/30 at 08:09 AM


Very interesting!  I wonder if they feel safety in numbers….seems like that would be an extremely vulnerable time for them!

Posted by Alissa Gonzalez  on  03/31  at  04:21 PM

Interesting! I’ve only seen my hermit crabs leave and move into another one alone. Sably, they passed away about 8 years ago.

Posted by Marissa  on  04/06  at  05:19 AM

Wow! I never knew they could SWAP shells! How Cool!
Thanks, Emma From Churchville.

Posted by Emma  on  04/06  at  05:20 AM

My family recylces cans and bottles and we reuse grocery bags fo a trash bag. We also use florecint bulbs.

Posted by Lucas  on  04/26  at  03:50 AM

I was at Ocean City, Maryland and I was once pulling up the crab trap and I saw wild hermit crabs in it! Another time, I pulled up the crab trap again and I saw a conch shell in it! It was a sea snail (Gary the Snail). I still have the conch today. P.S I picked up the wild hermit crabs and let them walk off the boardwalk thing I was standing on.

Posted by Olivia  on  05/13  at  02:31 AM

The chipmunk is so cute! I think that you should call him Chinky or Chunky.

I ask my parents to get me a dog, but they always say no! At least my friends also have pets I can see.

smile smile smile

Posted by Felicia  on  02/19  at  05:51 PM
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