Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 06/02 at 02:06 AM


what a cute puppy…

Posted by archie  on  06/08  at  08:34 PM

Cute puppy….

Posted by Aarti  on  06/08  at  09:23 PM

I like this book.

Posted by Oxana  on  06/09  at  11:40 AM

Thanks for your thoughts guys!

Posted by Seymour Simon  on  06/12  at  04:08 AM

I love dogs and have owned one since I was born. His name is Fenway and he is almost eight years old.  I would be so sad if something like that happened to my dog.  I love my dog and I am always sad when I hear about a dog that someone or something has hurt.

Posted by parker  on  11/21  at  06:32 AM

What made you interested in dogs? Do you own one? I think that they are adorable!!! smile

-Cecilia :0

Posted by Debbie  on  11/22  at  06:53 AM

You are studying a lot of things but how do you have time for dogs? Do you have one? I do and he is adorable, his name is Jack and he is Westie

snake from Julia smilesmile:):):):):):)

Posted by Debbie  on  11/22  at  06:58 AM
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