Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 05/19 at 07:03 AM


Their so cute!!!!! I love them.I have 2 CATS. cool smile  cool cheese  excaim

Posted by Stuart  on  02/16  at  02:44 AM

Hi, Stuart. What good timing, that you left this comment today. I’m writing about cats this morning, because I know there are lots of cat lovers out there! Watch for a new blog called “Standing Up for Cats.”

Posted by Seymour Simon  on  02/16  at  03:17 AM

I have two cats named Missy and Tuffy. I had one named Sneakers because he had all white paws. It was Missy’s brother, but he passed. We moved to NY and got Tuffy. Tuffy chases and torments Missy. Every morning when I get ready for school I eat cereal and Tuffy hops up on the table with his big fat belly and tries to steal some milk. I love Tuffy because of his nonstop personality. Little Missy is losing fur because of allergies. (That is what the vet thinks.) We think she is just licking it off. I love her because she is loving.

Posted by Christian  on  11/21  at  08:40 AM
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