Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 03/07 at 03:38 AM


The piece about goats says that domesticated are wild mean.  Domesticated really means that animals are captive and needs humans to take care of them.  The other information about the goats is correct except for the chewing on metal part.

Posted by Ben  on  03/07  at  04:12 AM

The three types of clouds are cirrus, cumuius, stratus youwould mostly see cumuius.

Posted by emoni  on  03/07  at  06:19 AM

The three most common types of clouds.
          1. Cirrus: the cirrus cloud looks like
          marks like a shooting star going out on a mission.                                                               
        2. Cumulus: the cumulus cloud is in groups/bunches in different part of the sky.
          3. Stratus: the stratus cloud covers the whole sky so you would only see all clouds.

        I would normally see the cumulus cloud on a fair weather day.                                                                          grin  LOL

Posted by Shaniyah  on  03/07  at  06:20 AM

Not all of the information is true.DOMESTICATED means to live near or with people.All animals are different.Goats will eat or chew on anything.

Posted by Corissa  on  03/07  at  10:49 AM

I think that this information is true because it is true that goats can jump. It is also true that goats can and will eat anything. I have witnessed both of these things myself.I conclude that this is true.

Posted by Kallie  on  03/07  at  10:49 AM

The goat leaps into the cold, icy snow of winter. It looks from left to right, making sure nothing is going to attack. It’s life depends on everything. It can’t make a simple mistake without suffering.

Posted by Madeline  on  03/08  at  01:02 AM

The Modern English word goat comes from the Old English; which meant “she-goat”, and this in turn derived from Proto-Germanic ultimately from Proto-Indo-European *ghaidos meaning “young goat”  itself perhaps from a root meaning “jump” . To refer to the male of the species, Old English used bucca (which survives as “buck”) until a shift to he-goat (and she-goat) occurred in the late 12th century. green grass is the generally the most nutritive food available for goats and it is the cheapest food. During spring the green pasture is usually about 80% digestible and has a crude protein content of 20%. Most of the fibrous parts of the pasture are still quite digestible by the goat. As a result goats can eat lots of the spring pasture and because the pasture is has a very high nutritional value they can grow quickly. The fastest growth rates recorded for weaned goats in southern Australia are from goats grazing spring pasture. The important exceptions to this are when pastures have trace mineral levels that are less than the needs of goats. This usually occurs on soils that have low trace mineral levels. But goats still will eat any thing so it is true. big surprise

Posted by sascowsas  on  03/08  at  01:30 AM

I think not all the information you put was correct. I think this because you said that domestic goats are goats that are wild and cannot live near human beings. Domesticated goats actually means that they could live with people. Another example was when you said that a goats offspring is a fawn. The goats offspring is actually called a kid or cabrito. You were also wrong when you said that goats can eat metals like tin cans. They cannot eat metals but love to eat other stuff because it tastes like plants to them. The last thing I saw which you got wrong was where the word goat came from. You said that the word is frome old salvic. It is actually from old english.This is why I think that not all the information you put was right.

Cool goat facts I found: There are over three hundred distinct breeds of goat.
Goats are one of the oldest domesticated species.
The proper name for a group of goats is a trip.
Goat’s discovered coffee beans.

Thanks for reading!
Keep loving animals! smile

Posted by Aadhiya  on  03/08  at  09:59 PM

I think the information is true but false. Goats can jump exceptionally well but there are some flaws to it. When you think of a goat normally you think of it grazing in the grass not jumping so maybe it could have been called great grazer in old Slavic or as Aadihya said, old English. I don’t think the information is true or false.

Posted by Pollyana  on  03/14  at  12:41 AM
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