Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 02/28 at 11:27 PM


A leap year is a year that one extra day in it . This only happens every four years.  It only happens in the month of February.

Posted by Gabriel  on  02/29  at  06:15 AM

A leap your is something that heppens in february . tongue wink

Posted by DeArmani  on  02/29  at  06:17 AM

A leap year is an extra day added to the end of the month of February.It makes all of the seasons stay normal like it snowing in July. Julius Cesar introduced a Leap Year to us.

Posted by Sloan  on  02/29  at  06:17 AM

a leap year iswhen a extra day is added.

Posted by emoni  on  02/29  at  06:19 AM

A leap year is another day thats added to the month of February that only happens every 4 years.

Posted by Nicholas  on  02/29  at  06:19 AM

The standard year is 365.2422 days long. A roman emperor,Julius Ceasar, saw a problem. So, he added an extra day to the end of February. Now a calender for a leap year is called a Julian calender.

Posted by Meghan  on  02/29  at  06:19 AM

A leap year is when we add a extra day to the month of february. This occurs every 4 years. A man named Julius Caesar found out that the calender might slip when the days overlap because a normal year is 365.2422 days long. Therefore, Julius Caesar and a group of scientists decided to add an extra day after the month of February so the seasons would not overlap each other. Today, we use a calender called the Julian Calender which includes the leap years and normal years.

Posted by Rithika  on  02/29  at  06:19 AM

Every four years there is an extra day. We have a leap year because a normal year is not really 365 days. It’s actualluy 365.2422 days long. That is the number of days that it takes Earth to make a full roatation. So Julius Ceasar told the scientists they should add an extra day every four years. This is called the Julian Calendar. Everyone uses it today.

Leilah and Mady
First Grade
Menands School


Posted by Ms. Sposito's Class  on  02/29  at  06:22 AM

Hi, Menands students! I see that you are on the website and I am so pleased that you are part of Writing Wednesday!

I am looking forward to meeting all of you next week!!

Seymour Simon

Posted by Seymour Simon  on  02/29  at  06:24 AM

Leap year happens only every four years. This is because it actually takes 365.2422 days for the earth to orbit around the earth.  In 42 bc, Julian Caeser, the roman emperor at that time, found out this information. His new adjustments led to making a new calendar. It was called the Julian Calendar.  cheese

Posted by Dennis H.  on  02/29  at  06:54 AM

A leap year is a year that happens every 4 years. It is because a real year is 365 days and 6 hours so you need an extra day for the 6 hours. This was discovered by Julius Caesar because he figured that there was 365 days and 6 hours or 365.2422 days. So the summer would really be were the winter is. That is what a leap year is. cool mad

Posted by Ethan  on  02/29  at  06:57 AM

Leap Year is when Julia Caesar found the problem with the extra six hours in a year. There are actually 365.2422 days in a year. That means every single year there is an extra six hours and in four years that makes one day (366 days total). Did you know the Julian calender is used by most of the world. A good word to know about the blog is Roman Emperor Julian Caesar. grin

Posted by Jordan  on  02/29  at  06:57 AM

Leap year is all about having a extra day of february of school. It only happens every four years. It is really great , I love it.
Leap means to jump and year means the number of days it takes the planet to go around the sun so we are jumping into an extra day.  grin  rolleyes  wink  red face  cool smile

Posted by Kaitlyn  on  02/29  at  06:58 AM

A Leap Year is when they’re 366 days in a year. A man named Julius Caesar realized that there is a problem in the world’s time. So Julius and a group of scientist added an extra day in February making it 29 days every 4 years. If we lose track of seasons we would have July part of Winter! They made a calendar called Julian Calendar that keeps track of the Seasons and Time…..  tongue laugh smile  wink  hmmm

Posted by Martina  on  02/29  at  06:59 AM

A leap year is a year with an extra day added. It happens every four years because there are 365 and 6 hours in a year. When the hours add up it becomes an extra day.6 hours will add up to a day in four years. Julius Ceasar found that the seasons will go in the wrong months if the 6 hours was not added every year. He called a group of scientists to fix the problem. They all invented the Julian calender in which we use today. There fore we have a leap year this year

Posted by Neel  on  02/29  at  07:00 AM

Leap Year is a year that has an extra day. It has an extra day because every 4 years there is an globle   grinchange. The globle change is when there is another 24 hour added to the year. To explain this 4x6 is 24 hours 4 is from every 4 years and 6 is from when 6 is added to each 4 years.

Posted by Strawberry Bloom  on  02/29  at  07:00 AM

A leap year will happen in every 4 years. A leap year has an extra day in February . It has 365 days in year. It is a great year. Leap year means to have an extra day. If it didn’t happen July might have winter weather.

Posted by Hajra  on  02/29  at  07:01 AM

A leap year is when an extra day is added to the month of february. Leap year occurs every four years. There is not actually 365 days a year. There is 365.2422 days. That is the number of days it takes the planet to go around the sun. Julius Caesar, a roman emperor found out that there was a problem. If we kept counting the year as only 365 days without including the .2422 day left we could eventually have july in winter.To solve this problem we invented leap year. The extra day in february keeps the seasons in order.

Posted by kristin  on  02/29  at  07:02 AM

A leap year usually happens in February. A leap year happens every 4 years. A leap year is the number of days it takes the planet to go around the sun. A roman emperor named, Julius Caesar, found the problem that there is 365.2422 days a year. This year there is 366 days in this year. If February didn’t have 29 days, the seasons wouldn’t be in order. It is like if spelling didn’t have grammar and spaces, our spelling wouldn’t be able to be read.

Posted by Daniel S.  on  02/29  at  07:03 AM

A leap year is when an extra day is added to the month of February. Leap year occurs every four years. There is not actually 365 days a year. There is 365.2422 days. That is the number of days it takes the planet to go around the sun. Julius Caesar, a roman emperor found out that there was a problem. If we kept counting the year as only 365 days without including the .2422 day left we could eventually have July in winter.To solve this problem we invented leap year. The extra day in February keeps the seasons in order.This year there is 366 days in this year. If February didn’t have 29 days, the seasons wouldn’t be in order. It is like if spelling didn’t have grammar and spaces, our spelling wouldn’t be able to be read. there is an globle change. The globle change is when there is another 24 hour added to the year. To explain this 4x6 is 24 hours 4 is from every 4 years and 6 is from when 6 is added to each 4 years.  LOL  ohh

Posted by olivia  on  03/01  at  01:29 AM
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