•BE aware of moose!
•We should not hit and make them endangered.
•Be aware don’t hit moose unless you want your car wreck.
•Take care of moose unless you want moose’s endangered.
•Saving them by driving better and watching where you are driving
•Save moose!
Posted by orange donky on 02/08 at 10:13 AM
Help The Moose!!
The moose is in danger and it needs our help! With all the snow it is causing the moose to walk on highways and train tracks so they are being hit by cars and trains. We need permission to cut the trees down so we can create safe pathways for them to walk. Help save the Moose!!
Posted by Emily on 02/08 at 10:14 AM
Moose need your help!
The moose need your help! Because Alaska has 92 inches of snow. And now the moose need to take plowed highways and railroad tracks. people are hitting these poor animals with cars. They have no more places to go! Please help the moose they REALLY need your help!!!
Posted by becky on 02/08 at 10:17 AM
Moose Emergancy
Save Alaska Moose!The alaska Moose is the largest Moose on earth.They are plowing highways and railroad tracks to get around.This is dangerous,and they are being hit by trains and cars.What we can do?
We can start putting signs of"Moose Crossing”.
Lets Get Involved!
Posted by Rory on 02/09 at 03:46 AM
Patient in Trouble:
Dr.Williams to the emergency room STAT!
I found what was hurt.I knew people of the world should sace Moose’s.These days when Moose’s die it effects the world.Moose’s eat other animals
and the animals they eat that population will get
bigger. Save the Moose’s!M-O-O-S-E-S!
Posted by passiun on 02/10 at 03:29 AM
Have you heared of the tragic mooses are getting hit .By trucks and train because of the 90 inch snow that is causing the moose.To go on the traintracks and go in the middle of the road. So please help those poor mooses because studies say they can be vanished. So please help the mooses!
Posted by nicholas on 02/10 at 03:32 AM
Posted by Brian Keane on 02/27 at 09:16 AM
you need to stop hunting moose! soon they will go extinct!
Posted by cole on 02/27 at 11:43 AM
Posted by Mr. Keane's Class on 02/28 at 03:38 AM
Stop hunting moose because they are almost getting extint.
Make fences so the moose don’t go into the road and get hit by cars.
Provide more moose signs for drivers to slow down.
Make more trails for the moose to wander around instead of going into the road.
Posted by Mr. Keane's Class on 02/28 at 03:40 AM
They are almost endangered and we hope that that will stop. Things that you can do to save this large-horn-animals are to clear a path in the woods so they don’t have to run on roads or train tracks. Instead of hunting the giant deer, go to a local market for food instead. Help them out. Save some lives!
Posted by Mr. Keane's Class on 02/28 at 03:41 AM
Did you know that moose might get endangered. They have been getting hit by cars and hunted. Moose are one of my favorite animals so please, save them
Posted by Mr. Keane's Class on 02/28 at 03:42 AM
Have you herd about the moose problem? Many moose are being killed so they are going to become endangered speices. When you are hunting and you find a moose don’t shoot it. When their are moose signs that say moose cross some street and your in a car, Do not drive fast. Please try to save the moose.
Posted by Mr. Keane's Class on 02/28 at 03:42 AM
Posted by Mr. Keane's Class on 02/28 at 03:43 AM
In Alaska, the snow is 92 inches above ground level and moose are trying to cross the highways.
People are shooting them and they’re also being hit by cars.
Moose may soon be endanjered. People should put moose crossing signs up to warn drivers.
PLEASE HELP THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by Mr. Keane's Class on 02/28 at 03:44 AM
Posted by Olivia on 02/28 at 03:44 AM
do you want moose to DIE now do u wht if it was U? U WOULDN’T LIKE IT
Posted by Mr. Keane's Class on 02/28 at 11:34 AM
Posted by cole on 02/28 at 11:38 AM
save the moose
Posted by Bubble on 02/28 at 12:01 PM
Posted by Mr. Keane's Class on 02/28 at 12:39 PM
•BE aware of moose!
•We should not hit and make them endangered.
•Be aware don’t hit moose unless you want your car wreck.
•Take care of moose unless you want moose’s endangered.
•Saving them by driving better and watching where you are driving
•Save moose!
Help The Moose!!
The moose is in danger and it needs our help! With all the snow it is causing the moose to walk on highways and train tracks so they are being hit by cars and trains. We need permission to cut the trees down so we can create safe pathways for them to walk. Help save the Moose!!
Moose need your help!
The moose need your help! Because Alaska has 92 inches of snow. And now the moose need to take plowed highways and railroad tracks. people are hitting these poor animals with cars. They have no more places to go! Please help the moose they REALLY need your help!!!
Moose Emergancy
Save Alaska Moose!The alaska Moose is the largest Moose on earth.They are plowing highways and railroad tracks to get around.This is dangerous,and they are being hit by trains and cars.What we can do?
We can start putting signs of"Moose Crossing”.
Lets Get Involved!
Patient in Trouble:
Dr.Williams to the emergency room STAT!
I found what was hurt.I knew people of the world should sace Moose’s.These days when Moose’s die it effects the world.Moose’s eat other animals
and the animals they eat that population will get
bigger. Save the Moose’s!M-O-O-S-E-S!
Have you heared of the tragic mooses are getting hit .By trucks and train because of the 90 inch snow that is causing the moose.To go on the traintracks and go in the middle of the road. So please help those poor mooses because studies say they can be vanished. So please help the mooses!
you need to stop hunting moose! soon they will go extinct!
Stop hunting moose because they are almost getting extint.
Make fences so the moose don’t go into the road and get hit by cars.
Provide more moose signs for drivers to slow down.
Make more trails for the moose to wander around instead of going into the road.
They are almost endangered and we hope that that will stop. Things that you can do to save this large-horn-animals are to clear a path in the woods so they don’t have to run on roads or train tracks. Instead of hunting the giant deer, go to a local market for food instead. Help them out. Save some lives!
Did you know that moose might get endangered. They have been getting hit by cars and hunted. Moose are one of my favorite animals so please, save them
Have you herd about the moose problem? Many moose are being killed so they are going to become endangered speices. When you are hunting and you find a moose don’t shoot it. When their are moose signs that say moose cross some street and your in a car, Do not drive fast. Please try to save the moose.
First, if you see a moose crossing sign….... OBEY!!!!!!!!!! If you don’t I think there should be a law that if you don’t obey animal crossing signs you get arrested.>_<*_*+_+=_=$_$:-)
In Alaska, the snow is 92 inches above ground level and moose are trying to cross the highways.
People are shooting them and they’re also being hit by cars.
Moose may soon be endanjered. People should put moose crossing signs up to warn drivers.
PLEASE HELP THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
do you want moose to DIE now do u wht if it was U? U WOULDN’T LIKE IT
I love moose its so sad
save the moose
Save the moose!