Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 10/09 at 03:18 AM


My dog’s name is Buddy. He is a German Shepard. He doesn’t run away. Buddy is a good name for him because he always comes when I whistle.
First Grade Menands School

Posted by Mrs. Sposito  on  10/15  at  05:12 AM

I have a pet. her name is Lilly. I named her Lilly because she likes to play.
First Grade
Menands School

Posted by Mrs. Sposito  on  10/15  at  05:15 AM

My dog is named Sox. He likes to play toys. I named him Sox because he wanted to be like the Red Sox. I think he liked me when we first got him.
First Grade
Menands School

Posted by Mrs. Sposito  on  10/15  at  05:18 AM

I named my pet goldfish Spotty because he has a lot of spots on him.
First Grade
Menands School

Posted by Mrs. Sposito  on  10/15  at  05:23 AM

I am going to get a fish for my birthday. Her name is going to be Goldy. She is going to be a goldfish. It is going to be orange.

Posted by Mrs. Sposito  on  10/15  at  06:11 AM

My goldfish is named Gold. He is named Gold because he looks like gold. I love so much. I take care of him. He is my pet for now.

Posted by Mrs. Sposito  on  10/15  at  06:16 AM

I had a fish his name was Goldey. He blows bubbles. I liked him so much.

Posted by Mrs. Sposito  on  10/15  at  06:20 AM

I want a pet cat. I want to name it Niya because me name starts with the letter N. I wan to get it on my 10th. birthday.

Posted by Mrs. Sposito  on  10/15  at  06:23 AM

I had a black cat. She died when I was a baby.

Posted by Mrs. Sposito  on  10/15  at  06:25 AM

I have a stuffed animal named Ellie. It is an elephant. I named him Ellie because it was short for elephant.

Posted by Mrs. Sposito  on  10/15  at  06:27 AM

I don’t have a pet. But I want a fish. It’s name will be Finee because he has fins.

Posted by Mrs. Sposito  on  10/15  at  06:29 AM

I have a pet fish. His name is Spike because he has spikes. He plays around.

Posted by Mrs. Sposito  on  10/15  at  06:31 AM

My dog named Hunter is really really realy cute. His birthday is on April 4th. He is going to be five years old. He is really fun!

Posted by Mrs. Sposito  on  10/15  at  06:33 AM

I have a pet cat. I named her Disney because I think she will lke it.

Posted by Mrs. Sposito  on  10/15  at  06:37 AM

Snowball is my cat. She is black and white. She can run,walk, sleep, purrs, and eats.

Posted by Mrs. Sposito  on  10/15  at  06:39 AM

I hope you are in a nice mood !!! I still like this web since 1st grade !!!! LOL  LOL  wink  I dont have a pet but I want a dog . I want a Great Dane . so BYE !!!! LOL  grin  wink  cheese  : )

Posted by Sabrina Z.  on  11/18  at  04:09 PM

Madison D.                                      Seymour science blog

  I have had two pet hamsters over my years. My first one, my brother named him Tanny, because his fur was golden tan. But here’s the reason I think of him as Tanny.
  He was fat. I got to be honest. He was adorably fat, and he looked like a chicken nugget. Gold nugget. A gold nugget would be a gold-tan colored. That’s why I agreed with the name Tanny!
  My next hamster, Buck. This will take more explaining. So, a long time ago, I loved the book, Call of the Wild. Good book. But that’s not the point. So, years later, after Tanny died, I got a new hamster, and I had no iea what to name him. After a while, I decided to give it a rest with the naming. Then, we saw the little guy swinging on the ceiling bars of his cage! And I am not lying. He fell, but he was ok. A bit wide eyed, but ok. I remembered the book, Call of the Wild, and I thought about the main character, Buck the dog(yes he was a dog) and I remembered he was a leader, and he was strong. Buck had to be strong to hold on to the ceiling of his cage, so I called him Buck. And that’s still his name.

  Well, I hoped you enjoyed my hamster-ific blo

Posted by asianhamster447  on  12/18  at  08:37 AM
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