Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 09/18 at 07:56 AM


this is what I thought the fox was seeing, I see, the bird next door, the big dog chaseing its tail. And this is what I thought it was thinking, I think those barry bushies over there are tasty, theses rocks fell so good I may take a nap… -_- z (fox).

Wilton ct

Posted by Anna  on  09/19  at  12:23 PM

It is a hot autumn day and an orange fox is right smack in the sun.The fox is staring at its prey while the smell of fish in the river drifts nearby. The fox’s soft fluffy fur feels a little warm while lying inthe sun lazily all day.You can hear his soft breathing while he is hungry for food to eat and is getting ready to pounce on his prey.

Cider Mill School
Mrs. McCusker’s Class

Posted by Philip  on  09/19  at  12:27 PM

A red fox, cool in the shade calmly relaxing while the sun is out. The fox is shifting towards the bush taking a nap in the quiet silence. Knowing that he already ate his lunch he now can sleep, waiting until he is hungry again. That is when he will run out in search of food.

Oliver, Grade 5 (10 years)

Posted by Oliver, Grade 5 (10 years)  on  09/19  at  12:55 PM

I am a red fox sitting on the cold, hard rocks. I groom myself then circle my rocky territory before I find the perfect spot. I lie down and dream about my next meal, maybe rabbit! or chipmunk! mmm… I lick my lips before nodding off. When I wake up with my fur damp with newly formed dew. I shake my limp fur. I suddenly see a strange man with a contraption, and SNAP! A flash of light comes into view. Startled, I trot away to be followed by CLICK! SNAP! and SNAP! As I disappear into the woods and turn back to see the strange man wave and disappear.

Morgane, Mrs. Froehlich, KENT, Cider Mill

Posted by Morgane, Mrs. Froehlich, KENT, Cider Mill  on  09/19  at  01:02 PM

This photo shows a fox lying on hot prickly stones, absorbing the sunlight. I thought, maybe it needs to stay out of the depths of the woods to avoid predators. It needs to study the surroundings of the area first, to know that it is a safe spot. It seems patient, lying in the sun, its coat of orange, red, and velvet soaking up the sun. Slowly, it allows its head to nod down, and drift into a nap. When she arises, she stands up, shakes off grass or dirt, and ventures out back into the woods.

smile  smile
Mrs. Staub
CT - Cider Mill

Posted by ella  on  09/19  at  03:46 PM

It was one windy autumn day and there was a fox sitting on a stone. He was thinking of all kinds of things.  Then he went to groom his tail and the fox said “Wow my tail is stinking up a storm.”  He thought his tail smelled like a rotten egg that had been sitting in the sun too long.  Then a bird came along and tried to speak, but the fox said “Don’t disturb me I’m trying to get my tan in.”  When the fox was tanning he could feel the warm sun blazing on him.  After the fox got his tan, he went to his house for dinner.

Grant Cider Mill Mrs. McCusker

Posted by Grant Cider Mill Mrs. McCusker  on  09/20  at  08:45 AM

I feel the warm sun on my back as I climb into the enclosure, see the two-legged animal staring at me, the rock looking so comfortable. I clamber over toward it, through the low cut grass and the shimmering water specks on the leaves. My coat is gleaming it’s color, a perfect red-brown leaf. Falling-leaf season is here, but the sun still warm enough to bask in.

New Jersey

Posted by Kirsten Widmer  on  09/21  at  02:59 AM

It was chilly autumn day. Leafs falling from trees, raking leafs then bouncing into them. All of a sudden a fox came out of the forest. He sat down and turned his head at the children jumping into the leaves. As he turned his head you could see a white stripe on his fur but it was very faint. Then he sniffed his nose at the hot dogs sizzling off the grill. He got up for a sec then sat back down. it was like he had already tasted the glorious hot dogs. Then a leaf fell over his head. he picked it with his mouth and trotted back in the forest.

mrs. Froehlichs class kent house cider mill

Posted by mack mrs. Froehlichs class kent house cider mill  on  09/21  at  10:56 AM

What I see is a red fox relaxing in Seymour’s yard, it is a sunny day and the fox is soaking up the sun.  It seems he is looking for prey so he could have a nice afternoon lunch.  First, he grooms his tail and the rest off his coat.  Then, he gets an itch so he bends and scratches.  Next he listens, is that a bird I hear?  He finally gets tired and decides to take a nap.  Later, he wakes up, shakes himself off and gets going!
Shelby D.
Mrs. Froehlich

Posted by Shelby D.  on  09/22  at  07:56 AM

A very relaxed red fox was lying on the grey rocks sunning himself.  He could hear the leaves crunching as his prey gets away under the fence. He is busy watching kids running and playing games.  There must be a fair.  He can smell hamburgers cooking.  The hot rays of sun are warming him all over as the cool wind blows his soft fur around on his face.  The yummy green grass that he just ate will have to do.  He walks away happily.


Posted by Akira  on  09/23  at  01:32 AM

the fox is basking in the sun on a cool autumn day wile the rocks provided heat. also he listened to the birds chirping.  smilesmile:):):):):):)

    Connor mrs.frolehch

Posted by connor  on  09/24  at  10:47 AM

“This looks like a great place to rest” says Mr.Fox. The sun glisting on his bright red coat as he settles into the grassy field with patches of rocks. :]
  Ah look at my horrible coat all puffed up. I better give it a nice lick down I think in my head. Whats that I hear is that my favorite prey a bird. MMMMUUUU yes it is. I’ll give it a little head start. Ah look a my horrrible tail I mutter as I start to give that a lick down as well. AHHHH! A bug on my beautiful fur coat what up with that. Oh thats reminds me where’s that bird I was looking for. :]
I trudge into the woods and look for the bird. Ah shucks its gone.                    :] :] :]


Posted by sean  on  09/24  at  11:00 AM

It was a very worm with a cool breeze summer day. On this summer day a fox is sitting there pondering and waiting for its next pray. Snap!!! A twig cracks in half as throw his narrow eyes he sees a mouse scurrying away it keeps up and attacks lunches it in his mouth! Then it sits there pondering waiting for the next victim!!!:)

Will J.
Cider Mill Mrs. Frohlech

Posted by Will J.  on  09/24  at  01:05 PM

I think the fox is thinking about its prey. I also see a bright orange fox just chillin. I also see green grass and a bright sun light. i would be pretty scared. If i was there and i would not draw attention to myself.

cider mill

Posted by yasin  on  09/24  at  01:06 PM

The sly red fox’s fur glimmered in the sun on the hot autumn day, at the edge of the woods in Black Butte Oregon waiting and waiting for a small mouse to scurry through the rocks.  The Autumn leaves danced in the wind one by one . Suddenly a monarch butterfly gracefully flew by , the fox pounced on it trying to catch it . I watched from behind the blue berry bush as the fox tried to catch it .The fox was hot and tired, it tip toed over to the oak tree in the shade and licked itself to sleep.

Daniella /Cider Mill /Mrs.Staub

Posted by Daniella /Cider Mill /Mrs.Staub  on  09/24  at  02:46 PM

I am a small red fox. I enjoy laying in the warm sun on a fall day. I just want to sit back and relax right where I am. I am getting kind of hungry, so I start sniffing around for a snack. I keep my eyes on the lookout for some prey.

Posted by Sarah W.  on  10/02  at  11:47 AM
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