Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 02/22 at 03:20 AM


Barn owls look like they pay attention to where they are going because in the picture they were looking really straight. also, when the barn owls are hunting they look like a hawk because of how sharp they look. :0

Posted by Olivia  on  02/22  at  08:11 AM

As the owl swoops around blending into the sky the owl is going fast without going wooossshhhh.  On the hunt for mice

Posted by Will  on  02/22  at  09:04 AM

The owl might be silent so it’s prey dosen’t know its coming.So it is really silent.When you see something that an owl might eat you might hear silence then swoop its gone.That is my opinon.

Posted by sarah  on  02/22  at  12:13 PM

The owl lifted off the branch with a powerful stroke of his spectacular wings. He let a hoot slip out and ring in the air. He listened to the silent night to hear the scurrying feet of his dinner. There it was, a nice plump mouse. He broke into a dive and opened his claws wide, as wide as they would go.  He felt the warm body of the mouse and forced his claws closed over the warm body. Then prepared himself for a feast.

Posted by Pollyanna  on  02/27  at  01:36 AM

The Barn Owl glided throw the air flapping its wings in a perfect rythem. Eyes narrowed down at the little mouse hurrying to get home. Swooping down the owl listened to the little feet of his dinner scurrying away. He folded his wings up tight, opened his sharp claws and dove in for the kill. After closing his sharp claws on the mouse the owl immediately lifted himself higher and higher into the sky and went back to his nest and put dinner on the table for the rest of the family. smile

Posted by Erin  on  02/28  at  01:35 AM

A leap year happens approximately every four years.A leap year is when the extra .2422 of the 365 days is added on at the end of february every four years. Roman emperor Julius Caesar realized if there is an extra .2422 to our 365 days then they eventually will add up to become a couple of months. Now the julian calendar is used all over the world.  grin

Posted by mahila  on  02/29  at  06:59 AM

These pale, nearly worldwide, birds are closely associated with man through their traditional use in the Old World of barn lofts and church steeples as nesting sites. Although widely known beforehand, it was in 1769 when the Barn Owl was first officially described by Giovanni Scopoli, an Italian naturalist. The species name “alba” also refers to the colour white. Other names for the Barn Owl have included Monkey-faced Owl, Ghost Owl, Church Owl, Death Owl, Hissing Owl, Hobgoblin or Hobby Owl, Golden Owl, Silver Owl, White Owl, Night Owl, Rat Owl, Scritch Owl, Screech Owl, Straw Owl, Barnyard Owl and Delicate Owl.The Upperparts are light grey with numerous fine dark lines and scattered pale spots on the feathers. There are buff markings on wings and on the back. The underparts are white with a few black spots, occasionally none. Feathering on the lower legs may be sparse. The heart-shaped facial disc is white with a brownish edge, with brown marks at the front of the eyes, which have a black iris. Its beak is off-white and the feet are yellowish-white to brownish. Males and females are similar in size and colour, females and juveniles are generally more densely spotted.Generally nocturnal, although it is not uncommon to see this species emerge at dusk or be active at dawn, occasionally being seen in flight during full daylight. Flight is noiseless, with wingbeats interrupted by gliding. The Barn Owl is one of the most wide-spread of all land birds. They are found on all continents (except Antarctica) and large islands and occur over the whole of Australia, including Tasmania. They occur throughout most of Britain and Europe and across many parts of Asia, Africa, and in much of North America. In South America they are found in areas of suitable grassland, as well as on oceanic islands such as the Galapagos. They were introduced to Hawaii in 1958. excaim

Posted by sascowsas  on  03/07  at  12:47 AM
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