Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 03/14 at 02:18 AM


I think the goat on your website is looking for food or looking for someone to play with.

Posted by Nancy Sposito  on  03/14  at  06:24 AM

Dear Seymour Simon
  We went on your blog again we saw the goat or the baby kid.

Posted by Nancy Sposito  on  03/14  at  06:28 AM

It was the first time a kid saw snow. He got excited. Is it really a goat or is it one of us? (joke)

Posted by Nancy Sposito  on  03/14  at  06:30 AM

Dear Seymour Simon,
  I think the goat is jumping because it is his first time seeing snow and he is excited.

Posted by Nancy Sposito  on  03/14  at  06:37 AM

I think the baby goat went to find a friend so the baby goat is not alone. Abbi

Posted by Nancy Sposito  on  03/14  at  06:52 AM

Baby goats are called kids. They can eat hay. You can find goats at farms.                    by Leilah cool smirk

Posted by Nancy Sposito  on  03/14  at  06:56 AM

Baby goats are called kids just like us grin  they are found on farms       they can be very similar to the others animal               they eat hey

Posted by Nancy Sposito  on  03/14  at  07:06 AM

The kid was in the snow with its friend and he can’t find his mom.  So he jumped over the snow to find him mom and go home.

Posted by Adrianna  on  03/21  at  05:54 AM

The kid is happy and having fun.  He is happy that he is free.

Posted by Jacob  on  03/21  at  05:55 AM

The kid is jumping for the first time to it’s mom.  His mom has food for him.  The kid is about 3 or 4 years old.  The is another kid behind him.
  If the kid makes it he gets food from his mom.

Posted by Austin  on  03/21  at  05:56 AM

The kid made a deal with a frog.  If the kid jumped over the snow the frog would help the kid find his mom.  But the kid did not know how to jump over the snow.  Be he still tried and tried but he still could not get it.
  The frog laughed and said he will never be able to do it.  And that’s why the kid jumped over the snow.

Posted by Khloe  on  03/21  at  05:58 AM

The baby goat is jumping othe snow because the goat doesn’t want to get it’s feet wet or cold.  It could trip and hurt itself by breaking it’s leg.  And it is having so much fun jumping in the snow.

Posted by Jason  on  03/21  at  06:00 AM

The kid is jumping over the snow because he thinks it is too cold for him.  His parents said to him, “It will be a long winter if you don’t get used to the snow.”  He replied, “Okay, I’ll put on boots so my feet don’t get cold.”
  So he put on boots and started walking.  And before he knew it winter was over.

Posted by Brynnyn  on  03/21  at  06:04 AM

The kid is jumping over the snow because it is running away from a hunter.  The hunter show his gun and missed.  Now the kid is running to his parents.

Posted by Raymond  on  03/21  at  06:05 AM

He is jumping through the snow because he thinks he has invisible wings.  He thinks he can fly like a bird flying through the sky.  They found Super Man so then he can be a goad sidekick.

Posted by Lacey  on  03/21  at  06:27 AM

The kid is jumping through the snow because there is a big wolf.  The wolf jumps on the kid, but he misses.  The farmer comes and and shoots in the air.  The wolf ran away.  The farmer brough him inside the barn.  So the wolf never came back.

Posted by Jacob  on  03/21  at  06:29 AM

The kid was racing a calf to get a pot of gold in the ground.  So they jumped to the snow.  They wrestled for the gold and the kid almost got the gold.  But the calf bit the kid and the calf got the gold.

Posted by Tyson  on  03/21  at  06:32 AM

The kid is jumping in the snow because there is a drop off in the snow and something is chasing after him.  He doesn’t want to be someone’s supper.  He is running so fast he thinks he is flying.  Then he jumps over the drop off and he fell. Trying to get back up was easy knowing somone is chasing after him.

Posted by McKayla  on  03/21  at  07:45 AM

I think the kid was practicing for a long jump competition at his school.  The pile of snow is really long.  Once he landed he saw that he had jumped all the way to the end of the snow pile.  The kid was very glad that he made it to the other end.  When the kid turned around he saw a big pile of Laffy Taffy.  He ate it up in one minute.

Posted by Olivia  on  03/21  at  07:47 AM

The kid was jumping in the snow because I think the kid wanted to play in the snow.  The kid wanted to have fun but the wolf was trying to kill him and he missed the kid.

Posted by Mackenzie  on  03/21  at  07:48 AM

The kid is jumping in the snow because it was trying to get away from other animals that were bigger than him.  He acted like he was bigger and ran behind him and fought him.  He scared teh other animal and ran back to his mom.  The his mom took him to get anything he wanted.  The End

Posted by Elizabeth  on  03/21  at  08:06 AM

true goats aren’t wild animals.

Posted by vincent  on  03/22  at  05:20 AM
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