Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 12/16 at 04:31 AM


I would like to thank you and Liz for creating this blog. You guys do a fantastic job!

Big Lake, MN

Posted by Tracy  on  12/16  at  05:24 PM

Dear Tracy,

Thank you so much for your kind words! Seymour and I are very invested in keeping this blog fresh and relevant, and it is so wonderful to hear that you enjoy it. Your comment is very much appreciated. Happy holidays!
Liz Nealon

Posted by Liz Nealon  on  12/17  at  02:53 AM

a cameraman named Raymond Bestant has a job on a nature document to spend three weeks filming a colony of grey seals.he built a hiding place that looks like it belongs to nature , and it has a peek hole so he can work without disturbing the grey of the mornings that Raymond showed up he found that the hinding spot had been damaged.

Ohio, USA

Posted by ASIA M.  on  12/20  at  05:37 AM

A cameraman named Raymond Besant was filming a colony of grey seals. He made a blind that would allow him to film the seals without disturbing them. One morning when he showed up at the blind, he found that it had been damaged. Raymond inferred that the storm that happened the night before had caused it. Then, he looked inside and found a seal pup. He had completely wrecked the place and made it smell like wet dog.

Alexis T.
Ohio, USA

Posted by Alexis T.  on  12/20  at  05:38 AM
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